
Good day & Thank you for visiting
Aliya’s ENERGY HEALING online store!


Perhaps, you know that we are alive thanks to life energy flowing through our body, nourishing our soul & mind.

This life force responds to our thoughts and feelings.

Excessive negative feelings or emotional traumas can create blockages in our field of energy -called the Aura, as well as our energy centres – called the Chakras.

A healing specialist, such as myself – trained and certified Reiki Master, Magister of Cosmoenergy healing art, can help you work through the blockages of unprocessed feelings, childhood traumas or fobias by using gentle methods of Energy-massage , Angel-therapy and Reiki healing sessions :

If you feeling stressed ,

fall sick often,

have unprocessed feelings of grief …

or simply looking for a new way

to a healthier, more balanced state of mind & body…

My name is Aliya ( please refer to the main page for my extended bio: About me ) and I would like to offer you the following methods to balance and recharge:

Try 30 minutes Reiki healing session on a long-distance basis- in the comfort of your home. No need to make a trip to the location, just press the button below to book an appointment and pay online. Email me your photo, advise of the convienient date and time ..and see how you feel happier and relaxed, instantly.

Гармонизирующий Сеанс Каналами Рейки. – 30 минут. дистанционный сеанс Рейки можно получить из комфорта своего дома, перед сном. Это даст возможность полноценно выспаться, убрать привязки, наполниться силами и радостью для следующего дня. (Рейки – это вид целительства посредством наложения рук и проведения целительной энергии через ладони. Сам термин “Рей Ки” означает “луч энергии” , и это означает поток жизненной энергии, которая течет в каждом живом существе, заряжая наши органы и тонкие тела.) В здоровом теле жизненная энергия циркулирует активно, и если уровень энергии падает, человек разбалансирован эмоционально или заболевает. Энергия Рейки наполняет обесточенные места и помогает восстановить естественный ток энергии в энергетических меридианах и центрах человека (чакрах).

30 min Reiki session – $50.00

Aura-reading  can reveal the original roots of your current problem, will bring clarity and some recommendations on how to address the issue. I will scan your energy field and give you detailed information on the state of your energy centres, your personal traits, the energy flow in your body, as well as recommendations on how to start healing your issue. This reading requires your photo and it is delivered via email – $70 Can.

Диагностика ситуации и энергетического поля человека по фото и имэйл- $70.

Для диагностики используются Информационные Каналы Космоэнергетики для получения информации из всеобщего поля. Такая диагностика покажет:
– сильные и слабые стороны человека,
– негативное воздействие со стороны,
– привязки,
– состояние энергетики и чакр
– основные причины возникновения сложной ситуации/недомогания (включая информацию о травмах из прошлого ).
В конце идут рекомендации конкретно по ситуации или необходимой терапии.

” Аура-Диагностика” – по фото на имэйл

Исцеление прошлых жизней . If you believe in reincarnation, Past-life readings are available  (often the roots of reoccurring situation in life are hidden in our ancestral tree or past life karma)

The cost of this procedure is $200 can , the length is 2 hours.

For Russian-speaking readers I offer my Book containing two mystical stories of life and spiritual path of two different women. These are stories about love, life & death, healing arts and motherhood.

В свете новых космических энергий, поступающих на нашу планету Земля, мы все ищем пути к внутренней гармонии и помочь в этом нам могут наши неизменные спутники Ангелы-Хранители. Книга с эзотерическими рассказами “Вспомнить себя” и “Путь домой” , написанная в легком художественном стиле, через рассказы о пути к целительству, любви и материнстве раскроет такие сложные темы как  глубокие  кармические механизмы, тайны и уроки прошлых жизней,  помощь Ангелов.

Energy Healing
Energy Healing Book
Energy Healing EBook
Energy Healing EBook Download
You can contact me via the Contact form below or at:

STAY SAFE! And together we heal.

Sincerely , ALIYA-Reiki master, Acupuncturist, Writer





20 thoughts on “Store

  1. Neringa

    Aliya, thank you so much for the Reiki session; you put all your heart into it. It was my first time, and I got a very good experience. I felt better after your treatment.

  2. Nick A

    Aliya really helped me through a challenging time in my life, I had several healing sessions with her and they were blissful as well as powerful.
    Aliya is a true healer. Within moments of meeting her, I felt totally safe and able to be open and honest.
    During our first session, I was emotionally moved by the wave of love that she was radiating. It opened my heart and gave me courage at the same time. This may be difficult to describe, I actually was able to feel how blockages in my body being removed. Over the years she was treating me for different reasons and every time I felt benefit of her treatment almost instantaneously .

    I had a wonderful experience with her and plan to return for more healing again.

  3. B

    Your aura-reading was sooo amazing…. and it touched me very deeply… it was part of my psychologist appointment today…. he can’t wait to hear the result.

  4. Eva

    There are many Reiki & spiritual healers, but some just have a gift. I think you are one of them.
    Thank you and all the best for you.

  5. Richard

    Thank you for distance Reiki session, I feel much better and calmer! I could feel it too, and your energy is so high vibrational and gentle yet powerful.

  6. Mariah

    Aliya’s needle work is gentle. After her Acupuncture sessions I always come out feeling relaxed.

  7. K

    I had Reiki healing session for past life traumas with Aliya in order to address my digestive issues. When we started looking into past life traumas I had a distinctive pain in my stomach which gradually subsided as we worked through these traumas. Aliya uses a technique with Guardian Angels and light beings to help clients dissolve the emotional blockages that create stagnation and malfunction of organs.

  8. Karina

    Aliya thanks so much for the session today! Right afterwards I did feel a lot of repressed emotions coming up, but then was able to work through them. I feel a lot lighter, and have like less fear in me , don’t quite know how to explain this. Thank you for Reiki with Acupuncture, it’s incredible.

  9. Maria

    I love the combination of Reiki and Acupuncture. Aliya have always been my go-to Reiki practitioner and the combination of both made my back feel so light immediately after treatment. I highly recommend her. She creates a space of ease and love and it’s also very comforting.

  10. Thomas

    I recently experienced a session with Aliya that left me in a state of wonder and light. We addressed a need for past life healing, and I was not expecting the clarity and calm that resulted from it. The days following have been so expansive and energizing, I truly feel like a new chapter has started in my life. I love recommending people to Aliya. She is a natural healer.

  11. Tomiris

    I want to share about my experience of meditating with my aunt Aliya: lately I’ve been having insomnia and I couldn’t let go of the tention. Aliya guided me and I got more relaxed after deep breathing through my abdomen. During the meditation I had a vision of the goddess Lakshmi introducing me to my feminine aspect. It was wonderful, and it helped me fall asleep right after!

  12. Berenger

    Honestly, I loved your Acupuncture treatments.

    There was obviously a small pinch feeling when you stuck the needles in, but once all the needles were in I felt a rush of energy go through the part of my body you were doing acupuncture on.

    Once it was done, I felt like I had much more energy and the part of my body you performed on felt much better 🙂

  13. Annie

    You are such a skilled acupuncturist and a gifted healer! I felt myself move through some grief and then left feeling energized and more steady after my treatment.

  14. M.Wong

    Dr. Aliya listened to my health concerns and put me at ease before starting treatment. I look forward to continuing treatments with her.

  15. N. Kolos

    From the moment i walked in for my Reiki treatment until i left, I felt welcomed by Aliya, comfortable and safe.

  16. Annamaria

    I had a really cool experience with Aliya during my Acupuncture treatment, I was dealing with sciatic nerve pain for a few weeks by this point and she used a technique I’ve never experienced before with an herbal treatment called “moxa”. It turned out to be a very effective treatment! No sciatic pain for a week now! Highly recommend!

  17. Sana

    It wasn’t painful at all just a warm sensation around the needle site, I felt my muscles releasing from the tension I had. Truly amazing honestly and very cool!!

  18. M

    Hi Aliya! Thank you for the great treatment, I still feel the effects of a looser jaw and face today even after working a full day! ❤️

  19. Melissa

    Your Acupuncture treatments are thorough, relaxing, and I feel like I’m well cared for.

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